Hedera Wallet Setup

Setting up a Hedera wallet that's compatible with the Bonzo Finance protocol.


HashPack is the leading wallet on the Hedera network. For detailed, step-by-step instructions on setting up your HashPack wallet, visit How to Create Your First Account with HashPack.


Currently in development. The Bonzo Finance testnet application today only works with the HashPack wallet.

MetaMask is the most widely-used wallet, allowing users to store ERC-20 tokens on Ethereum-based blockchains, as well as HTS tokens on the Hedera network. For detailed, step-by-step instructions on setting up your MetaMask wallet, visit Getting started with MetaMask.


When first connecting your MetaMask account to Hedera, you will need to add a JSON-RPC relay to enable communication between MetaMask and Hedera.

  1. Use ChainList to add the "Hashio" RPC, operated and maintained as a "community service" by Hashgraph.

  2. Manually add a network by including the following JSON-RPC information:

Last updated