Liquidator Contract

The LiquidatorContract.sol smart contract facilitates liquidations by interacting with the Bonzo lending pool and performing token swaps via SaucerSwap.

1. Review the Contract

You can find the contract code here.

Key Functions:

  • liquidate(): Initiates the flash loan and triggers the liquidation.

  • executeOperation(): Called after receiving the flash-loaned amount; performs the liquidation and token swap.

  • _associateToken(): Associates Hedera tokens with the contract (required on Hedera).

2. Compile the Contract

Compile the contract using Hardhat:

npm run compile

3. Deploy the Contract

Deploy the contract to the Hedera testnet:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network hedera_testnet
  • Ensure your hardhat.config.ts is set up for the Hedera testnet.

  • In deploy.ts, replace LendingPoolAddressesProvider_address and SaucerswapRouter_address with the actual contract addresses.

Last updated