Bug Bounty
Protocol security is a top priority for Bonzo Finance Labs. To encourage responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities, a Bug Bounty Program exists with financial rewards based on the severity of the identified issues.
Within Scope
Bonzo Finance testnet contracts and GitHub repositories
Bonzo Finance testnet interface
Safety Module testnet contracts and functionality (coming soon)
Out of Scope
Bonzo Finance mainnet contracts and production environment (testing restricted to testnet, which mirrors mainnet)
Third-party contracts not directly associated with Bonzo Finance
Known issues from previous audit and bug bounty reports
Third-party applications using Bonzo Finance contracts
Any findings that rely on Denial of Service (DoS) or Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
The program includes the following four-level severity scale, based on the OWASP risk rating methodology:
โข Critical: Issues that could impact numerous users and have serious reputational, legal, or financial implications. An example would be being able to lock contracts permanently or take funds from all users.
โข High: Issues that impact individual users where exploitation would pose reputational, legal, or moderate financial risk to the user.
โข Medium: The risk is relatively small and does not pose a threat to user funds.
โข Informational: The issue does not pose an immediate risk but is relevant to security best practices.
Bonzo Finance Labs will determine rewards based on the bug's severity and its potential for exploitation. Rewards may be disbursed in U.S. dollars, cryptocurrency, or a mix of both.
Report vulnerabilities to contact@bonzo.finance. An acknowledgment will be sent within two to three business days. Do not disclose the bug publicly until it is resolved and permitted by Bonzo Finance Labs.
A detailed report of a vulnerability increases the likelihood of a reward and may increase the reward amount. Please provide as much information about the vulnerability as possible, including:
Conditions required for reproducing the bug
Step-by-step guide or proof of concept for reproduction
Potential consequences if exploited
Suggested remediation (optional)
Anyone who reports a unique, previously-unreported vulnerability that results in a change to the code or a configuration change and who keeps such vulnerability confidential until it has been resolved by our engineers will be financially rewarded.
To be eligible for a reward under this program, you must meet the following conditions:
Uniqueness: Discover a previously unreported, non-public vulnerability that is not already known to our team and is within the scope of the program.
First Disclosure: Be the first to disclose the unique vulnerability to contact@bonzo.finance and adhere to the program's disclosure requirements.
Detailed Reporting: Provide comprehensive information that enables our engineers to reproduce and remedy the vulnerability.
Non-Exploitation: Do not exploit the vulnerability in any form, including publicizing it or seeking other forms of profit, except under this program.
Non-Publicization: Do not disclose the vulnerability to the public or any third party without our explicit approval.
Ethical Conduct: Make a good faith effort to prevent privacy violations, data destruction, service interruption, or any degradation of in-scope assets.
Lawful Behavior: Do not engage in any unlawful conduct during the disclosure process, such as making threats or demands.
Age Requirement: Must be at least 18 years of age. If younger, you may participate with the consent of a parent or guardian.
Legal Compliance: Cannot be subject to U.S. sanctions or reside in a U.S.-embargoed country.
Non-Affiliation: Cannot be a current or former employee, vendor, or contractor who contributed to the development of the affected code.
Complete Compliance: Must comply with all other eligibility requirements specified in this program.
By meeting these criteria, you become eligible for a reward under the Bonzo Finance Bug Bounty Program.
Other Terms
By submitting a report, you grant Bonzo Finance Labs the rights necessary to validate and resolve the vulnerability. All reward decisions are at our sole discretion. The program's terms may be changed at any time.
For questions about the bug bounty program, please contact contact@bonzo.finance.
Last updated