Season One Points

After the pre-season has concluded and the Bonzo Finance protocol launches on mainnet, season one of Bonzo Points will start. Point earnings convert to claimable $BONZO at the end of a every points season, each lasting 6 months, with three seasons in total.

Points earnings are based on the dollar value of assets supplied to and borrowed from the protocol, distributed on a 24 hour basis โ€” supported assets of the protocol can be found on the Bonzo Finance homepage.

Details of points earning calculations for season one are found in the table below:

Mainnet Launch (Supply only until TGE)

After Token Generation Event (TGE) (Borrowing enabled)

Supply Points

4 points / $1 USD of token value

2 points / $1 USD of token value

Borrow Points

(Borrowing disabled)

8 points / $1 USD of token value

Last updated