Borrow Rate Methodology

Bonzo Finance's interest rate strategy is calibrated to manage liquidity risk and optimize utilization on the Hedera network. The borrow interest rates are derived from the Utilization Rate UU.

UU is an indicator of capital availability in the pool. The interest rate model manages liquidity risk through user incentives:

  • When capital is available: Low interest rates to encourage borrowing.

  • When capital is scarce: High interest rates to encourage loan repayments and additional deposits.

Interest Rate Model

Liquidity risk increases as UU approaches 100%. To address this, the interest rate curve is split around an optimal utilization rate UoptimalU_{optimal}. Before UoptimalU_{optimal}, the slope is gentle; after, it rises sharply.

The interest rate RtR_t follows the model:

If U<UoptimalU < U_{optimal} : Rt=R0+UtUoptimalRslope1R_t = R_0 + \frac{U_t}{U_{optimal}} R_{slope1}

If Uβ‰₯UoptimalU \geq U_{optimal} : Rt=R0+Rslope1+Utβˆ’Uoptimal1βˆ’UoptimalRslope2R_t = R_0 + R_{slope1} + \frac{U_t - U_{optimal}}{1 - U_{optimal}} R_{slope2}

In the technical implementation, the calculateCompoundInterest method relies on an approximation that mostly affects high interest rates. This is expressed as:

ActualAPY=(1+TheoreticalAPY/secsperyear)secsperyearβˆ’1ActualAPY = (1 + TheoreticalAPY/secsperyear)^{secsperyear} - 1

Variable interest models are derived from this formula, with parameters adjusted for each asset.

  • When U<UoptimalU<UoptimalU<UoptimalU<Uoptimal​ the borrow interest rates increase slowly with utilization.

  • When Uβ‰₯UoptimalUβ‰₯Uoptimal​Uβ‰₯UoptimalUβ‰₯Uoptimal​ the borrow interest rates increase sharply with utilization to above 50% APY if the liquidity is fully utilized.

Variable loans see their rate constantly evolving with utilization. This means they are not ideal for financial planning.

Model Parameters

Bonzo Finance calibrates interest rate parameters for clusters of currencies with similar risk profiles on Hedera:

Optimal UtilizationSlope 1Slope 2



4% - 6%

100% - 200%


70-80% (Liquid Staking Tokens) / 60-70% (Crypto Assets)

6% - 8%

100% - 200%


≀ 55%

8% - 10%+

150% - 300%+

Optimization for Hedera

Bonzo Finance optimizes its interest rate models to be competitive within the Hedera ecosystem while maintaining risk mitigation properties. This includes:

  1. Adjusting UoptimalU_{optimal} for assets affected by Hedera-specific liquidity mining programs.

  2. Considering unique characteristics of Hedera native tokens and their staking incentives.

  3. Regular review and adjustment based on liquidity risk assessments specific to the Hedera DeFI ecosystem.

By tailoring the interest rate strategy to Hedera's unique ecosystem, Bonzo Finance aims to provide competitive rates while ensuring robust liquidity management on the network.

Last updated