🖼️NFT Collectibles

Bonzo NFT Collectibles

Bonzo NFT Collectibles can now be purchased on secondary NFT marketplaces across the Hedera ecosystem, such as SentX and Kabila.

🪙 Distribution of $BONZO tokens

  • Accounts holding Bonzo NFT Collectibles are eligible to receive airdrop distributions of $BONZO. The distribution schedule of $BONZO tokens to NFT holders is found in the table below.

  • Prior to each distribution, a snapshot will be taken to determine which accounts are holding a Bonzo NFT Collectible.

  • The dates and times of these snapshots will be communicated through the official Bonzo Finance 𝕏 and Discord.

  • In order to best serve the health of the Bonzo Finance protocol and needs of the Bonzo Finance community, the distribution dates and fractional amounts per distribution are subject to change. Regardless of these changes, holders of Bonzo Finance NFTs upon snapshot(s) will receive the guaranteed amount of $BONZO tokens per NFT no later than 12 months post-TGE (token generation event).

Distribution Date(s)Amount

Distribution #1

Upon TGE (token generation event) [no later than 3 months after mainnet launch of the Bonzo Finance protocol]

1/2 of "claimable" $BONZO per NFT

Distribution #2

End of "Season 1" points [est. February 2025]

1/4 of "claimable" $BONZO per NFT

Distribution #3

End of "Season 2" points [est. August 2025]

1/4 of "claimable" $BONZO per NFT

⭐️ Bonus $BONZO Tokens

If a single account purchases and holds 20+ of the Desert Bonzo, 20+ of the Ocean Bonzo, or 20+ of the Space Bonzo NFT, they will receive a bonus of:

  • 4,125 $BONZO (for holding 20+ of Desert)

  • 12,375 $BONZO (for holding 20+ of Ocean)

  • 24,875 $BONZO (for holding 20+ of Space)

*Cannot combine Desert, Ocean, and Space NFTs to reach the 20+ amount.

This bonus distribution will be made in full to the NFT holding account upon TGE (token generation event). In order to receive this bonus distribution:

  • Must be holding the NFT(s) during the first snapshot taken on June 24th @ 10am ET ✅

  • Must still be holding the NFTs in account during a second snapshot randomly taken prior to the TGE in Q3 2024

🖼️ Bonzo NFT Collectables Utility

The three NFT tiers available for purchase are as follows:


Token ID

Circulating Supply




Current Utility

• Dedicated “Desert” role in Discord

• Early access to Bonzo PFP avatars

• $BONZO faucet rewards in Discord

• 1.1x Bonzo Points multiplier for utilization of protocol

• Ability to claim up to 3,300 $BONZO tokens

• Dedicated “Ocean” role in Discord

• Early access to Bonzo PFP avatars

• $BONZO faucet rewards in Discord

• 1.2x Bonzo Points multiplier for utilization of protocol • Ability to claim up to 9,900 $BONZO tokens

• Dedicated “Space” role in Discord

• Early access to Bonzo PFP avatars

• $BONZO faucet rewards in Discord

• 1.3x Bonzo Points multiplier for utilization of protocol • Ability to claim up to 19,900 $BONZO tokens

A fourth “Singularity” NFT collectible will be sent to all accounts holding each of the three NFTs listed above after the sale has commenced and an account “snapshot” taken. Utility for the "Singularity" NFT is as follows:


Token ID

Circulating Supply


Current Utility

• Dedicated “Singularity” role in Discord • Early access to Bonzo PFP avatars • $BONZO faucet rewards in Discord • 1.5x Bonzo Points multiplier for utilization of protocol • Ability to claim up to 1,175 $BONZO tokens

👑 Royalty Fee

There are royalty fees configured for Bonzo NFTs as outlined in the table below.

Description% Fee

Bonzo Finance


InAMaze Artist


Last updated